STV Gen II Series Software

Software download and update information for the Raymarine STV Gen II Series:

  • Applicable for: STV Gen II Series
  • Firmware Version: ACU 4.28 / CTR 4.68
  • Library Version: 3.06_151001
  • Date Released: February 2016


The Firmware is for Generation 2 Systems only. If you are in any doubt about which unit you have then please contact Raymarine Product Support before updating.

Adding the wrong firmware to an older unit could result in total failure.

Important Terms of downloading software

Firmware update processes are done at your own risk. Before initiating the update process be sure to backup and make copies of all important files.

If the firmware process is interrupted your product may not function properly, therefore do not interrupt the process and ensure the unit is on a reliable power supply. Damage caused by incomplete upgrades will not be covered by Raymarine warranty.

By Downloading the software, you agree to these terms.

Software history

VersionRelease DateFeatures

  • Initial Release

Open Source GPL/LGPL

Some Raymarine products contain software code developed by third parties that are covered by open source GPL and LGPL software license agreements. You can view the third party license agreements by visiting the Manuals section of our website.

To access the open source GPL and LGPL licensed executables click here

Software Update Information and Instructions for Raymarine SatTV


  • Windows PC
  • 12/24V Power Supply with minimum 5A rating
  • 9 Way RS232 connector Female to Female. Use a USB/Serial adaptor if required for your PC
  • SatUploader 6.80R Software
  • B3_Series_Raymarine Library_3.06_151001

Note: Both Sat Uploader and the libary file are contained in the zip file


The Firmware is for Generation 2 Systems only. If you are in any doubt about which unit you have then please contact Raymarine Product Support before updating.

Adding the wrong firmware to an older unit could result in total failure.

  1. Ensure the System to be updated is connected to a 12V power supply with a minimum 5 Amp Power Supply and the Dome is connected to the ACU using the RF1 connector.
  2. Connect the unit to the programming PC/Laptop via the 9-pin PC INTERFACE Port on the back of the ACU. You may require a Serial to USB converter if the PC does not have a serial data port.
  3. Power down the ACU using the front panel switch.
  4. Run the SatUploader 6.80R Software
  5. Click “Target File” and locate the B3_Series_Raymarine Library_3.06_151001.ilf file.
  6. Select the correct Com port from the drop down list and ensure the CONNECT tickbox is ticked
  7. Power up the ACU, the connect light icon will illuminate
  8. Click the “Upload” button.
  9. Once the update is complete, power cycle the ACU to allow the STV system to re-initialize with the new Library information.